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Thursday, November 11, 2010


One FAQ we encounter earlier in life is what we would like to be when we grow up (if we ever grow up). Needless to say,  the dream job market has changed considerably since you were asked that question. The best clues of how attitudes about some jobs have changed over the years can be seen in the young who no longer seem too interested in becoming teachers, scientists, researchers and such jobs as we regarded highly some years back.Talking to kids today, they know exactly what they want and are  making bold utterances  like "I wanna be a millionaire" or rock stars and NBA players. You also have to admire the conviction of this generation in their future vocation.

Which takes me to us, the older generation us. We dreamed of becoming pilots, doctors, lawyers and engineers- so how did we do? Are we actually doing what we planned or did we settle for less than our aspirations? As for me, I kind of fall in the group of those that did not become what they wanted. I remember my father taking me to see a doctor when I was 9 years and from then the job of treating people made quite an impression on me. I gave up being a doctor after Biology classes proved a total disaster for me. I toyed with the idea of engineering but I couldn't understand a word  my physics teacher spoke thus my passion for engineering fizzled as my grade dropped. When I was bored with class, I  passed the time drawing caricatures of teachers ( a habit I no longer practice). The doodling turned out to be quite remarkable and one teacher, upon catching me in the very act, encouraged me to be an artist in the future.But not before warning me that all artists he knew became rich after they died, a luxury I was not particularly keen on pursuing. I then thought of becoming a jazz musician- not because I loved jazz music, but because I couldn't sing properly. I figure you don't have to be a good singer to be a great jazz musician. Even Louis Armstrong got away with that defect! That too I gave up. So what did I eventually settle for? Well, being of the old-school persuasion, I am neither a rock star or basketball player, I  decided to go back to school in the hopes I may become a teacher (they call me The Swift Teacher for a reason, you know). I am probably three and a half  years away from that dream but you never know.. if my track record of shifting goals is anything to go by, I wouldn't quote me if I were you.


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