If you think advertising is business as
usual you've got a think coming! It certainly won't take you long to realize how unusual the schemes of the advertiser are if you have young kids around the house. One minute your young kid will be laughing through the antics of
Ed, Edd n Eddy the next minute the advertiser intrudes the TV screen with his new chocolatey drink called BOBO. The advertisement features a greasy haired kid all dressed up like a reincarnation of Elvis Presley and with a raised eyebrow reveals that SUPER COOL KIDS DRINK BOBO! After that piece of incitement, your kid, who until then couldn't utter any other word apart from "dada" instantly acquires a new vocabulary and starts screaming BOBO! BOBO! BOBO! This wailing does not stop and it occurs to you that the only way to stop the aural assault is to run to the shopping mall and buy the drink.
In fact from that day on, Bobo becomes your I.D. to getting access to the house every night from work- and you dare not show up with some nondescript drink unless you want to spend the night with your head buried in pillows. Let's face it, when it comes to the noise department, we are no matches for our kids who could all at once clinch a Nobel, Oscar and blackbelt in noisemaking.

As if those are not woes enough for one lifetime, the advertiser has a few more surprises for you. In a few months he appears again with a margarine called BIBI and you zoom off like a wasp to the nearest supermarket knowing that your kid will go into a hunger strike if you don't. A week later, the advertiser hits the screen once again now with a cereal dubbed CHOKO. Fail to deliver that too and the kid will stage a demonstration that can teach those university students a thing or two about demonstrations. And so it goes on through out the year with new products rolled out like NINA, FIDO, DIDO when it finally dawns on you that the clever advertising bloke has coined these easy-to-pronounce words into brands for your kid who cannot pronounce harder words like, say, PROACTIOXY ULTRA... Well, what can you do apart from concede defeat to the insurmountable collusion between your kid and the advertiser who relies on your kids "pester- power" to sell his
bobo's and
goodies? If you think you can outsmart the advertiser, write me a line telling me how. I could use some advice myself.